May 10, 2011
What Can You?
Last week I broke up two fights; yesterday I witnessed a drug deal; I wonder what next week holds.
Last week I broke up two fights -- both at our local Dixie Youth baseball field complex.
Noticing quite a large number of teenagers around the open doors of the restroom building, I approached to see what was going on. Teen girls and a few boys in the entryway of the boys' room scattered as I walked up. At the door, I saw a young teen boy (about 14 yrs. old) holding another boy about the same age off his feet against the concrete wall, by his collar -- threatening him quietly. Several teens were cheering them on, and many were filming or snapping photos with their cell phones.
I loudly and firmly told them all to cut it out -- they knew better than to do something stupid like that. I told them, "Get out! If you're not already using the bathroom right now, get out!" Then I repeated the "get out" comment a couple of times until they all had cleared out. I shook my head and got angry -- more so over...
busy, c.s. lewis, dana key, drug deal, fights, george macdonald, gov. bobby jindal, grace, keith green, louisiana concerns, ministers, pray leaders, tolkien
Posted at: 09:44 AM | Permalink