First Baptist Church, Zwolle, Louisiana
Directions & Schedule
If you would like a map of Zwolle and how to get to First Baptist, you can click the following link: (It's basically -- go to Zwolle on Hwy 171 N from Many, LA --which is west of Natchitoches, toward Texas--and look behind Dairy Queen).
Office Hours: Monday -- Thursday, 8a-4p, except holidays.
Sunday Schedule:
Sunday School at 9:30 am, followed by Morning Worship at 10:30 am
Youth fellowship begins at 5:00 pm, as does Adult Choir Practice, followed by Evening Worship at 6:00 pm. The children's program also meets during evening worship.
Wednesday Schedule:
Everybody meets at 6:00 pm [Adult Bible Study (or studies), Youth Worship, C.I.A. (Children in Action) Kids program, and Serenity].
Serenity also meets Monday evenings, as does First Place 4 Health. Serenity also meets on Fridays. We also have Women's Missionary Union, Men's Ministry, Men's Prayer, Youth nights, etc.
Since this is NOT THE WEBSITE FOR FIRST BAPTIST ZWOLLE, for more information, please contact the church. You can also click the photo of the church to the right.
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Church Address
First Baptist Church, P. O. Box 488 (or 2051 Port Arthur St.) Zwolle, LA 71486
Church Numbers
Phone: (318) 645-4492 Fax: (318) 645-4493